We have our sweet Vivian!
Today was a whirlwind, but here we go:
After arriving at the local adoption center, we immediately were given our babies. Jason took her first (I stood there for a split second in shock?), and she didn't make a peep. She looked worried, and has for most of the day, but she was great. After having her for a few minutes she settled in on my shoulder, sucked her thumb and went to sleep!! While others' babies were screaming ours had just snuggled in for a nap. Somehow the CCAA knew we loved to nap, and would appreciate a sleepy one! Actually, the babies had traveled 6 hours this morning, and they didn't nap on the way, so little Vivian was pooped.
We went to another big room to have time to get acquainted with the children and talk to the nannies (with translation help). Vivian did cry a few big tears there, but nothing we couldn't handle. Miraculously the 2 sets of first-time parents got very easy babies! WHEW.
On the way back on the bus she fell asleep again in my arms, but woke up once we got off the elevator and came into our room. She whimpers a little, but has only really cried once. We've snuggled a lot, and Jason fed her Gerber graduates. Then we bathed her - we're total rookies and didn't know what we were doing, but she was pretty patient. So far no poopie, but we're expecting it soon. Tonight we made her bottle as instructed (powered formula + rice cereal), and she ate the WHOLE thing! Actually, we did have to cut big holes in the nipple, but once we did she pigged out. After eating and trying to burp, we laid her in the crib with her toy and she went right to sleep.
She's a big thumb sucker - we may have trouble with this later, but for now it's very cute. :) She's REALLY tiny - the 9 month pajamas are too big. She has lots of hair, as you will see, and she has TWO teeth (on the bottom)! She seems really healthy, and doesn't have any major scars or boo-boos. Most of the babies have a couple of little sores/scabs on their heads, and Vivian has a little bump on her arm and her neck. BTW, her eyelashes are BEAUTIFUL! They're so long and very black, and her eyes are beautiful and dark. She is very curious and watches everything you do.
The nannies couldn't remember exactly when she got her teeth, but they did say she is trying to walk and has taken 2 steps. They said she is a good baby and doesn't cry all the time. YEAH! They also gave us a little book with more photos of her at the orphanage.
Okay, we're tired and are going to rest. We have another big day tomorrow!!
We love you and hope you enjoy the pictures!!
oh my gosh, i could just cry for you guys! that is such amazing news - love the pics - you look like a couple of naturals! can't wait to meet viv! xx
She has Jason's hair! We couldn't be happier for you!
Tiffany & Charlie
wow..guys she is just beautiful!! I am so so so happy for you and I can not wait to see her and take care of that sweet little girl!!
be safe! and see you soon!
What a gorgeous little girl!!! You must be so proud. And she is truly blessed with two of the most amazing people as her new parents. Congrats!!
you 2 are going to be naturals...i miss you guys and safe travels home...XOXO
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