Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Travel Plans!

We have our travel approval and consulate appointment - it's really happening! We leave Thursday, August 23 for China, and will receive Vivian (Gotcha Day) on Monday, August 27.
We'll be coming home on Saturday, September 8. Our plan is to blog as much as we can while we're away so we can share photos and videos of our little one.

Here's a little itinerary:
August 23 - leave the US
August 24 - arrive Beijing
August 24/25 - sightseeing in Beijing
August 26 - fly to Guangzhou
August 27 - Gotcha Day!
August 28-September 4 - sightseeing, free days and adoption appointments
September 5 - medical exam for children
September 6 - consulate appointment
September 7 - take oath and pick up Vivian's Visa
September 8 - leave China and arrive in the US

In Guangzhou we'll be staying with the other CHI families at the Westin - a brand new hotel. Check it out at: http://www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=1706
Our hotel in Beijing is the Wangfujing Grand Hotel.

We'll keep you posted with photos and video while we're gone!

1 comment:

Todo Adopción said...

porfavor !!! avisen a las familias USA que la fecha de corte és el dia 21 de noviembre !!!
La RQ USA no quiere decirlo pero es la verdad.
Si quieren mas información, la página todoadopcion@blogspot.com lo explica todo.

Congratulations for you beatiful baby !!!